Thursday, August 30, 2012

Useful links for Peoplesoft web services

Sunday, August 12, 2012

Some important V$ views

I cannot stop myself to share a few great views which provide excellent information

We can get information about the system global area (SGA)

Can get information about the dynamic SGA components. This summy provides details based on all completed SGA resize operations since instance startup. All sizes are expressed in bytes.


Can get information about the SGA, including the sizes of different SGA components, the granule size, and free memory.


We can get detailed information on the system global area (SGA).


We can get information on the shared server processes.


Can get tablespace information from the control file


Can get lists the active transactions in the system.

displays locks owned by transaction state objects.


We can get version numbers of core library components in the Oracle Database.


This view contains information about redo log files.

We can get information about restorable datafiles. It will include all datafiles backed in the backup set, image copies, and proxy copies.

Please browse the Oracle link to explore more views

Saturday, August 11, 2012

How to switch user in sqlplus

We can switch users in sqlplus without logging out

SQL> conn system/system
SQL> conn / as sysdba
SQL> conn scott/tiger

Oracle basic terms and concepts

Oracle database is associated with an Oracle instance. While database getting started on serve, Oracle allocates a memory area called the System Global Area (SGA) and starts one or more Oracle process (depends on configuration)

The combination of the SGA and the Oracle process is called an Oracle instance.

SGA= Context areas, Database Buffer Cache and Redo log and Oracle processes

States of instances

Parameter file
To start any Oracle instance, Oracle must read an initilization parameter file: A file

containing configuration parameters for that intance and databse.
Initialisation parameter categorrized into different groups

Parameter related to Name
Parameter for limit setting maximum and minimum
Parameter for capacity : SGA (variable)

Parameter file tells Oracle :
The name of the database for which to start up an instance
How much memory to use for memory structures in the SGA
What to do with filled online redo log files
The names and locations of the database control files
The names of undo tablespaces or private rollback segments in the database

How to change Parameter values:
Variable parameters for example related to SGA can be changed by dynamically by using ALTER SESSION or ALTER SYSTEM

If we are not using server parameter file, change made using the ALTER SYSTEM statement are only in effect for the current instance, it means if we reboot server, changes will be revert back to previous values. We must manually update the text initialization parameter file

These are daily useable commands in SQL Commands (Oracle)

1.How to check Log Mode:

2.Change Log Mode:

Alter database archivelog; (Database must be in mounted mode, database Alter command will not permanently add entries in spfile, we need to do it manually)

to open database in mount only mode startup mount

3.Open database read only


4. Open Database in read and write mode:

However, read-write is the default mode.

5.Start commands

1.Normal start = startup
2.Startup mount

Other various commands
Displays historical archived log information from the control file.
Describes archive destinations, and the current value, mode, and status of these destinations.
Displays information about the state of the various archive processes for an instance.
Contains information about any backups of archived logs. If you use a recovery catalog, the RC_BACKUP_REDOLOG contains similar information.
Displays all redo log groups for the database and indicates which need to be archived.
Contains log history information such as which logs have been archived and the SCN range for each archived log.

Monday, July 30, 2012

SQL commands to know database and instance name

SQL> Select name from v$database;
SQL> select instance_name from v$instance;
SQL> select * from global_name;
SQL> select global_name from global_name

Sunday, July 29, 2012

Tmadmin commands to monitor and configure dynamically

Tmadmin has almost 50 commands, and broadly can be categorized into 7

1.Universal Device List and transaction log
2.Start, shutdown and modify part or all of the configuration
3.Monitor the configuration and its performance
4.Global Transactions
6.Servers and its Groups
7.Use other commands

TMAdmin is a command interpreter that provides monitor and modification of the bulletin board.The command requires the

TUXCONFIG environmental variable to set

We can administrator only ne tmadmin process at a time.There are two commandline options aviable

-r (readyonly)
-c(configuration mode)
-v tmadmin to display TUXEDO version number and license number

TMAdmin miscellanmous commands

defualt (d) set default values for arguments of other commands
dump(du) dump current bulletin board into a file
ech(e) echo input command lines
help (h) print command list or command syntax
pageinate(page) pipe output of commands to a pager
quite(q) terminte the session
verbose(v) show output in verbose mode
!! repeat previous shell command
Repeat last tmadmin command

Default (d)

The default command of tmadmin allows to default values to be set for serveral frequentlyu used parameters.

Tmadmin display parameter commands

bbparms(bbp) print a summary of bulletin board parameters

bbsread(bbls) list IPC resources on machine mid

serverparms(srp) print parameters of the specified server
serviceparms(scp) print parameters of the specified service

Tmadmin Statistics (Note format of stats is different in verbose on and off modes)

bbstats(bbs) print a summary of the bulletin board's statistics

printclient(pclt) print names and other information about active client processes

printgroup(pg) print server group table information

printnet(pnw) print count of messages in and out for specified machines; indicates if machine is partitioned
printqueue(pq) print information for a specified queue or all queues

printserver(psr) print information for a specified server or all servers

printservice(psc) print information for a specified service or all services

shmstats(sstats) Available in SHM mode only. Enable option for more exact

Managing the Configuration

Command(abbr) Description
aborttrans(abort) notify the coordinator of a transaction, or a participant, to abort it
committrans(commit) notify a participant of a decided transaction to commit heuristically
printtrans(pt) print information from the global transaction table
advertise(adv) add a service to the service table
unadvertise(unadv) remove a service from the service table
suspend(susp) remove a service from the list of those available. Server or queue identifiers can be used to broaden

the scope.

resume(res) return a suspended service to the list of those available Server or queue identifiers can be used to

broaden the scope.

changeload(chl) change the load specified for a service

changepriority(chp) change the priority specified for a service
changetrantime(chtt) change the time limit specified for a service
config(conf) make changes in TUXCONFIG

Managing Transactions(Global Transaction Table (GTT) ):

pt (print transactions) commands